So I was chillin Cleaning my belly button Eating some cheetos Hanging around my momma basement Playin pimd Ya know the usual When I got an awakening my brothers what if When we hit someone we could steal their misc Pause. Let it soak in... Keep letting it soak it. Let that idea marinade in yo brain like fourth of July BBQ CAN YOU SMELL THAT SWEET JUICY TENDER MEAT?? how it calls to you How it arouses yo appetite Okay you still wit me? IMAGINE THAT. WHEN YOU FARM SOMEONE YOU HAVE A 67% CHANCE of taking some of their misc. It can be random , a 1mcs item , a 3mcs item heck a 20kcs item. Imagine how great that would be. So are you with me??
I wish that there was negative misc that you could give people as a curse. Or something like that. Like backpack sand or something.