EVENT Make A Killing Club XC

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. Agree 10000%. In the future, structuring it in a way where ppotd/potd clubs aren’t at a disadvantage for simply not being an ec club would be cute af.

    Not that I’m saying ppotd/potd clubs and ec clubs should have separate club xcs, but I think looking at an additional point factor like # of ppotd/potds completed might be a good way for us to be able to participate. Doing it based on drops clearly puts us at a disadvantage because ppotd/potds give way less drops than ecs, but if you did points for party completions, maybe we’d have a little more of a chance.

    Just something to think about 🌝🫶🏼
  2. I thought about some sort of a per party point, but that again puts p/potd clubs at a disadvantage 🥲
    It sounds like all rewards go out at the end of the event, so your best bet is to pick a club and stick with them. If all members will be able to see the xc point progression hoppers might be able to time their club jumping right to hit all the rewards with their main club, but they also might miss them. You won't be able to collect reward tiers from more than one club though, as they will be rewarded after the event ends.
  3. Omg i can't edit my last post, please ignore the quote on that one I was half way through typing thoughts and decided to reply to someone else too

    Points per party I think still puts p/potd clubs at a disadvantage. The time it takes for a majority of ec clubs to complete their parties vs p/potd is still running circles around us most of the time with mid to hard p/potd. It might balance out since the easy ones in higher mcs clubs are over faster than it takes the party to start, but if p/potd clubs capitalized on that and used hella party speedups on those days, then the odds might swing the other way and put ec clubs at a major disadvantage and still not really offer a balanced competition.

    Perhaps ATA should set up a trial for this kind of point system
  4. Good idea, faulty execution. Kill off decent potd clubs because everyone will rush to premium party clubs therefore ruining chances for clubs that already are disadvantaged :confused:

    obviously ata ain’t about to make things more fair if it means they make less profit

    but to add a hunt feature like this when all it means is people spend more money going to premium clubs is just kinda whack imo

    if you ain’t spending, ata doesn’t like you 🌚

    good luck to everyone though ~
  5. Wow another way for ata to get money, guess who saw this coming🙋‍♀️
    Female likes this.
  6. What's the point of the "in club" leaderboard? I'm assuming the rewards are only for the pimd wide leader board.
    Female likes this.
  7. ATA are you aware you made box drops count towards the club points for this event?

    I was wondering why tf our club had such a varying drops under the xc "club" tab while we were still in the middle of testing a party, opened a box and saw my personal counter go up.

    This really takes away from collecting points by partying, favors the spenders, and was not disclosed so we couldn't plan to save our lite boxes.
  8. I'm assuming to see how
    Looks like its to track members individual counts. It may have been easier for ata to code it that way, or it might just be so we can check up on where all the other clubbies are at rather than going through party history one by one.
    CaffeMocha likes this.
  9. Hey Folks!
    Looks like there initially was an issue where when folks left a club, it took the Collection points with them.
    This was not intention and has been fixed since, but we are unable to restore those points to the clubs folks left in the short window that this was occurring.

    We wanted to make sure everyone knows how its supposed to work, and that there was an issue.
    If you see more issues like this, please give us a heads up right away!

    Thank you!
    iPuttBlug, Astra-, Auri and 1 other person like this.
  10. u sure y'all fixed it?
  11. I'm glad the box drops will count too because that's the only way most potd clubs will reach the first tier. It is frustrating that the game is completely geared to people who do ec clubs and flashes though
    WildflowerWay and CaffeMocha like this.
  12. I'm not sure how well flashes will place, unless they do a lot of organizing.
    Also any clubs that have a lot of VIP subscription members will get a boost with their VIP drops.
  13. 100% this. A while back we had an Easter hunt with special different egg drops for ec, pro, and reg parties each with its own LB. It would be neat to see that again either at the individual or club level. If the t50 potd/ppotd clubs can’t even get to 2nd tier (I’ve long abandoned hope for any t10) then what is my motivation to spend any amount of money on this current xcs? And the pins, moar pins.
  14. And not to mention that having two leaderboards is very confusing. Who will get the XC avis? Top10 clubs or Top10 biggest collecters in the club I'm in?
  15. Pretty positive the only people getting the avis are the people in the EC clubs spending hundreds of $$ - the club leaderboard seems to be nothing other than tracking our own members progress.

  16. I'm 99% certain its t10 clubs, since it's a club XC event. Not t10 contributors. It shows me as getting the rewards when im not a t10 contributor but im in a t10 club.
    Strut and Chastin like this.
  17. they should make it both considering the only way anyone is ever gonna get that avi is if they are in an big ec club 😴
    CaffeMocha and Female like this.
  18. What's up with the non vip version of the avatar?
    LovesickBrat likes this.
  19. May the odds ever be in your favor.
  20. What happens if you switch members do you still get those drops? From new members