Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed12943, May 4, 2013.

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  1. I apologize for my grammar and spelling mistakes. But i am truely half asleep while reply.goodnight people
  2. 1. Sheep* this is singular and plural form. Just an FYI.

    2. I read that whole thing twice from Rose and didn't see anywhere that she was whining about anything. Guess it's just point of view differences from inside and outside the club. What she did was post facts about what did and didn't happen to her and the community during her time here. Even pointed out where she made a mistake  I would hardly call that whining.
  3. Died after the word "Emo"
  4.  The Friday picture
  5. My turn to write an essay:
    Darkrose bbjhhbngvhjffggdtvghgtggggggffghggggfetghhhghghhhhdswyuppjhhgghgedhjhgjjhgfdsfujhhcfddfsgujkljgffjhffiyfjggikvfbkplngrehkhhoighiikkvdeihhufij s h u t that hell up hfjjchjchjjvjkvvdayooghhiooiuioihguilpkggdtyuyffyhnnbjkkhjhgjghbhhfhghkkhgtyihffggdfhuioohhggghhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjkopoiugfrwwwetuhvcxxfhjooojhggbnjnhhfhhhvhfhhjkjgggggghhhhhjkkjbbjjkkkjjhhhjjjjjjkoopppoiuyttyhnnbvvgqwtuipivvchkohbdgjbjjvffaagiogxfkvfdkvjjckoggdjbooppovjhgkjhcgijgchkvhhdhjjhxdtiklbvfssghgghhhhj f gfjddfhjfdgijbsaaeyipogfsfijvjhdgjkkhkgfghcjog thank you
  6. Point proven.

    Thanks :]
  7. Rose what about our dinner and dessert? 
  8. Rose still takes it. She 100% right. Ppl like rakkas clearly shows that. 
  9. People who still follow m4g even after he said that about disabled people is no better then him.
  10. [​IMG]

    Dear drama R.I.P 
  11. Raks ur current club shows u. Mental relapse
  12. U clearly need help
  13. Awesome club leaky, I don't need help you need to mind your business
  14. Oh he told you meego 
  15. Mags rock 
  16. *Waits for Mag's response comment*.

    *Eating popcorn and drinking a Energy Drink*
  17. .....It may be a while though. Permanent silence and all.
  18. But wait....can he respond from another account
  19.   Thats it...
  20. Just cause he's perm silence doesn't he can't post in forums on his main 
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