@D0MINATOR, 1v1, you and me. Lets see if those "new" stats gives you some balls as well Now, lets see if you ass can back up that noob-tastic mouth
You guys won? Get the hell outta here lol, you guys are the ones who asked for the cf not us. And why did we dance instead of fight? Cause you guys were always dtw on on fight
Why the hell is this thread still going..? It sounds like both clubs got involved over tiny drama (lasted less than 24hrs). Both should have handled it better. Now we have outside egos trying to prove their virtual dominance in the thread? Seriously, people go outside and look at the Reputation on an online game means nothing...
Bb and yolo who won't farm who? Why is this thread still going mag asked for cf yet you guys are still trying to cause trouble.
Mike nope i made a simple comment saying drm cudnt stop mag after months of farming. so how cud rs? a simple reminder of the past to try and remind people it got nobody anywhere to maybe open some eyes in the petyness of it all. But drm got butt hurt an threw out insults
Dom I think you where just proved wrong by the fact it was sorted between pun and mag an they asked for cf after 4 hours.
I'm always causing trouble I don't care who called what it's my device il play how I want. I'm just having fun. Go cry somewhere else
actually i made them before anything was solved jus being a good guy trying to help n that post i jus made is basically a word for word of what i told holly last night
I think it's safe to say that I'm Batman. Have you ever seen me and him in the same room? Makes perfect sense.