The fact is it was renamed. cuz ppl were to serious to battle you go someone's profile when either u know them or hate them. Not just hit random ppl I hope u got my point. Accept the fact that it was changed . Don't just argue for name sake. The button was renamed Fact Over and out
Who gives a toss anyway .. His he Magnificent because he's a nice guy .. Or has a Magnificent bank account .... Either way he's probably both or neither .. Or maybe just one of those .. But One thing is .. He's where everyone else wants to be ??.. FACT
Bean, I'm not arguing the change in the name of the button, rather the statement that it was changed because of people like terror. Fact: the name was changed Fact: it had nothing to do with Terror ( or any other club) Fact: saying "fact" in your post doesn't make it a factual statement when you don't have the evidence to back it up. Since what I stated came directly from the devs, it's hard to argue. *Side note: Many people hit off of the battle list (now the people list), not just Terror, myself included. I was farmed for it, made the necessary apology, and moved on from it. All part of the game I'm afraid Ask some of the new players how many of them hit other people from the "people" list and see what response you get. I would be willing to bet that its a lot more than you know or thought. I hope you get my point.
you guys are hopeless il tell you what il make a promise on this thread today when i quit pimd which isn't that far away il make a thread and il let everyone know everything
hey ever notice how water goes down the plug hole different in each hemispheres that's pretty cool right one goes counter clock ways and vice versa wow right?
did you know the Australian coat of arms has the kangaroo and emu on it what's more interesting is that these animals can't walk backwards which is indicative of Australians we don't take a backwards step pretty cool right!
koalas on average sleep 17-20 hrs a day and get drunk from the leaves they eatcheeky drunks actually they have a awesome life!