It's the same like paying. You would still buy ECs to skip hours because it takes 1 day and more after level 5 to level up.
Okay but what if they don't drop enough? What if you level up all your pets to Level 9 but still don't have enough special items to level them any further? Then you're stuck on Level 9 for ever? ?
It’s hard to get too excited about an impossible goal. I have been upgrading my parrot since the first day, and even used some ecs to rush the leveling. I still won’t come close to level 10 by tomorrow. ATA should extend this timeframe as it is unrealistic and they have not yet shown us that pets are beneficial enough to spend for.
Ya, I started going to level 9 yesterday and it takes two days to get there. Like uhm wut.. But it wasnt like i was gonna use the pug anyways it just wouldve been cute to have
beef chunks are ridiculous to acquire in the amount of time given, especially since the drops are all about "luck".
Yeah honestly, this seems pretty poorly thought out. At least make them tradeable if you're going to limit how many we can receive.
Welp I’ve tried... I’ve upgraded my parrot since it came out annnnd I won’t be able to make it to lvl 10 this is impossible w/o money. Sucks ? should extent it but it’s whatever.
I’ve been upgrading the same pet since their release and will barely get to level 9 tomorrow. This was just another money grab and they probably had this all planned out to try to get players to spend their ecs at the last minute to rush the timers. Pathetic.
Honestly, I upgraded my pug around the clock, had the correct amount every time and STILL don’t have enough time to complete.
Yeah. And if you are leveling up just one pet, you will never make past level 9 because level 10 requires special food items which you can only get if you level up other pets too.