Lunar New Year PUG Styles!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Jean, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Why end the Lunar Event early then bring it back? Sort of odd after a week
  2. more money for the apes?
  3. I nees to get my pet to level 10 quick.
  4. Any pet can be level has to be the pug?
  5. Ok, any. I reread it.
  6. Anyyyy pet
  7. yeah she said she reread it lol
  8. Yeah but there will be like 5 other people who will ask again anyway
  9. ya alright I'll just have to go feed my pets, kthxbye 
  10. How dare you make level 6 &7 1 whole day for leveling ?
  11. How about 8,9 and 10
  12. Cry af
  13. It's always money it's starting to take the fun out of this game plus I think the costumes are ugly
  14. It's impossible without money 
  15. Woohoo I’m almost done
  16. Whoever gets the PigPug needs to name it Chris P. Bacon
  17. What is the porpus of the pet sex? Are you upgrading it to breed pets?
  18. Same as with furni, keeps people entertained