I'm going to attempt to update tonight, but my iPod and PimD keep crashing for me. So I'm really sorry if its a while before I can update again. In a few years, I'll have a new device and maybe I won't have to worry about the crashing and such anymore.
Well... ****..... School for me started again so it's hard for me to write. I promise I will if possible.
Well I woke up super early, there's no food, no ones awake, and I can't go into the living room. Aka, the perfect time to update! Lol
~~~~Love Troubles~~~~ Ally's POV I woke up to find Alex kneeling on the floor with my hands in his, his head against the side of my bed, and him asleep. I smiles slightly. "Wake up big bro" I murmur quietly and almost immediately he opens his eyes. "Hey lil sis" he mumbles with a slightly smile. "How're you feeling?" I shrug slightly and want to ask about Michael but I know I should wait. "I'm not tired anymore" I smile a bit He chuckles softly "I would hope not. You've been asleep for quite some time now" "How're you feeling?" He thinks about it "A lot more tired than I should be. But better than I was. Michael and I.... came to terms." I nod "How is Michael, anyway?" He looks towards the door and speaks quietly "Want to go find out for yourself?" I must've looking like a little kid going to the toy store. "Of course!" I whisper shout He smiles and looks out into the hall, sees no nurses, and grabs one of the wheelchairs there. "Alright, but you'll have to go via wheelchair" he says as he gently sets me into it. I nod and grab on to my IV pole. "All set" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael's POV Well, I guess I'm pretty much stuck in my thoughts. No one to talk to and I would have to type it in anyway. I hope Ally's ok.... Why was I such an idiot? At least I got a chance to explain to Alex, no matter how scared I was. A nurse comes in to explain exactly what each surgery was for, although the two on my sides are obvious. Apparently my entire throat was collapsed; vocal cords, wind pipe, everything. I just nod along to say I understand, not wanting to try to type it in. The nurse leaves and shortly thereafter I hear a quiet knock. I type "Come in" into my phone and turn it up loud enough. I'm surprised to see Ally out of bed. Didn't Alex say that she couldn't be out of bed? Alex slowly closes the door behind him and says quietly "we're not supposed to be here, so we can't stay long" I nod and Ally pulls her chair closer to me and stays quiet. I can tell she wants to hug me and I can tell she's curious. But she doesn't want to pry. I gently hug her, mindful of the tubes, and she hugs me back. I begin to explain via phone on what happened, leaving out the exact details of Alex and my fight, and she soon begins to silently cry. She doesn't wish to speak, that I know of. She probably has nothing to say. At least, nothing that isn't either hurtful to Alex or unhelpful to me. "I love you" she eventually whispers I smile and hug her again, my way of saying 'I love you' I don't hear it until I see it. The nurse not so gently pushing Alex into the hall, then personally wheeling Ally back to their floor. She comes back and says something, however I'm not listening, then she closes the door. She's probably put a sign up saying only family as visitors, now I sigh slightly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ally's POV Alex is fuming. I'm just crying. The entire way back to my room, all I do is cry. They took me away from him.... is all I can think. When we reach our floor again, the nurse leaves and Alex wheels me back to my room. He settles me into bed and tries to comfort me, but I'm not listening anymore. Just crying. I barely hear the slightly *beep* of the morphine drip and then I'm out.... Again. --------------------------------------- Well..... Meh. That probably didn't turn out too well. My designated wall person isn't awake at the moment so I hope people see that it's been updated.
Wow, lotsa people are reading my story now lol. I'll try to update tonight; I don't have much homework and I don't need to practice my instrument. So I'll try to remember.