~~~~Love Troubles~~~~ Michaels POV I wake up with Alex towering over me, holding the ring box in his hand. "I-I can explain...?" I stutter "You better hope you can." He says with a glare "Could we talk in the hall?" I glance at Ally "Please?" He nods once and walks into the hall. I slowly get up and follow him, and once we're in the hall, he pins me "Now tell me, what the hell is up with this?" He holds up the ring box "Well..." I pause, tears threatening to spill "I-I know I should think positive... But I don't feel that Ally is doing to well..." Alex's grip tightens on me, and he moves one arm across my throat and clutches my shoulder with the other. I gasp slightly "A-And I wanted her to be m-mine even if she doesn't get better." He puts more pressure with his arm on to my throat, as if saying "You don't say what I want to hear, you won't say anything" "S-so in a f-few weeks, I was going to a-ask her to m-marry me." I say, gasping slightly and tears starting to fall Alex takes one last burst of power and puts more and more pressure on to my throat, before suddenly stepping back and I fall to the ground, only semi conscious. He leans down next to me and whispers "Not a good description" as I slowly black out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ally's POV I woke up after the two of them had walked outside. I stared at the door, waiting impatiently. Then, only Alex walks in the door. "Where's Michael?" I ask quietly Alex jumps, startled, and says "He-he had to do something" he keeps his eyes low and he stutters. That's how I know he's not telling me everything. When he walks past my bed to go to the recliner, I grab his arm with as much strength as I can muster and I say "Tell me the truth Alex, or so help me I will walk out there and find out myself." He doesn't say anything, just stares at me with wild eyes and gulps. I tilt my head slightly, surprised, and I say "Fine then. Have it your way" as I move my legs to the other side of the bed, grab the IV pole, and slowly start to put pressure onto my feet. He goes to stop me, then falters and pauses, trying to decide what to do, and backs off. Again, I'm surprised, and I put more and more pressure onto my legs. Boy, does this hurt... I think to myself, as I scoot to the edge of my bed and slowly stand up, quite dizzy. And that is all I remember before my vision goes black and I fall to the floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michaels POV I can hear some things now, including a nurses small scream as she sees me. She slowly walks over to me, and checks my pulse, then yells down the hall for three more nurses to come with a stretcher. They come and all gasp slightly. I guess it doesn't look like I'm just passed out. That's when I realize I still can't really breath. "H-h-help...." I gasp and whisper so quietly. "Hold on honey, we're working on it." One nurse says soothingly. The nurses slowly move me on to the stretcher and lift me up. The carry me quickly but gently into a new room and begin trying to help. "Do you give us permission to so anything we must?" The nurse who found me asks quickly "Y-ye-yes" I gasp, even quieter, as everything starts getting fuzzy and foggy. "Good..." She mutters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ally's POV I slowly come to and I'm back in my bed, Alex kneeling by me and crying, and my head hurting like an anvil was dropped on it. "Ugh......" I mutter, and Alex looks up, relieved. "N-now.... Are you g-gonna tell me where Michael is?" I stutter, but with a harsh tone. Alex sighs, closes his eyes, and says quietly "he's in surgery..... And it's all my fault...." ----------------------------- Uhm.... Ok, so uh maybe this isn't long lol. But I'll try to update again today
Oooh story getting juicy! Lol The beef between Alex and Michael is real...I wonder if Michael will be okay
I came across this a few days ago i read the first part and i didnt particularlly like that part but i read further in and gave it a chance and im glad i did
Lol I will! I'm sorry y'all, I'm at my fathers and school it starting up in a week and a half so I'm quite busy >.< Don't worry though! It's not dying!
Ok so.... Ugh, so I'm going to try to update again now. I hope it turns out ok. I REALLY had wanted to do a long update, but that just didn't happen. So I'm going to try to update as often as possible. Leave me any helpful criticism please :3 ~~~~Love Troubles~~~~ Ally's POV "W-what do you mean he's in surgery? And how the hell would it be your fault?!" I sound panicky, even to me. Alex continues to sob and eventually squeaks out "H-he did something that I didn't like. A-and when he went to explain his self, I lost it. I kinda..... Uhm...." "Spit it out" I demand He sighs and pauses before saying "I started choking him and I guess I went overboard and really messed up his throat..." I stay quite, quietly taking it all in. "Alex! Why the hell would you do that to him? To me?" I curl up, crying quietly and stewing in my own sadness and anger. Alex sits there on the ground and mopes, not crying anymore because of me and trying to decide what to do. Then he gets up and walks straight out of the room and nearly slams the door behind him. I begin crying so much that it makes it hard for me to breathe. I hit the morphine button but it's doing nothing for me. So I slam my fist on the call button for a nurse and within the minute, one walks into my room. "Oh dear, what's wrong? Use your words hun" she gently prods "I-it's Alex. He h-hurt my boyfriend and now he's in surgery. And A-Alex left me here to cry" I eventually stammer out. "Oh hunny, it'll be alright. I'm sure it's nothing too serious and I'm sure Alex is just frustrated that he did something to upset you. Did you try the morphine to calm you down?" I nod slightly, not daring to even use up the energy to talk. So she says "I'll be right back" and walks down the hall. Within a few minutes, she's returned. "Alright dear, if it's ok I'm going to use a sedative." She carefully says I nod slightly, and she injects the sedative into my IV and she sits there with me until I've calmed down and am about to fall asleep. "Thank you, Nurse...?" I say, kinda slurred "Oh hun, down worry about it. And I'm Kathy." She smiles slightly I nods once again as I slowly begin to fall into the darkness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex's POV She practically yelled at me. She said that I physically hurt her by hurting Michael. I mean, really? Whatever. It still hurt her, which hurt me. So I need to check on Michael. I think to myself as I walk down the hall and into the OR waiting room. "May I be of assistance, sir?" A nurse from the nurses station asks politely "Yes, I would like to know the condition of Michael B.?" I ask a bit too quickly She looks at a chart "I'm sorry sir, but he's in Recovery now" I nod slightly "Could you give me directions?" She gives me a set of directions and I nod "Thank you so much, miss" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I make it to Recovery in record timing. I talk to the nurse for a minute, then she takes me to his little room. "He's just woken up, so please don't get him worked up." The nurse says quietly before opening the door for me. I nod slightly "Can do ma'am." and walk inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as Michael sees me, his eyes widen and he cowers in his bed. I take a few steps closer and his eyes widen even more. He then proceeds to throw a 'Get Well Soon' bear at me. I catch it and set it gently at his feet. "Look Michael. I can't tell you how sorry I am." I begin, tears forming in my eyes. He looks at me with fear, then hatred. He glares at me, then points to his throat. "I-I don't know what you're trying to say. Can't you just speak to me?" I stammer He shakes his head, points to his throat, opens his mouth, and shakes his head again. That's when I grow pale. "No......" I whisper. "No!" I say a bit louder. I drop to the ground and begins to sob, only now realizing the bandages surrounding his neck and how much I hurt him and in an indirect way, hurt Ally. He takes his phone from the bedside table, types something in, then pushes a button. His phone speaks his words to me, saying "It's temporary. But it could be anywhere from a month to a year. Are you happy now? Are you grateful that I can't propose to the love of my life; your sister?" I sob more and more. He closes his eyes, sighs, and types in "hey Alex, it's ok. I know you didn't mean it...." And I look up to him. He's staring at me, obviously sorry for saying what he did, and beginning to silent cry himself. I slowly stand up "C-can..." I take a deep breath "Can I hug you? My way of an apology..." He nods slightly, and I walk over to him and hug him. Gently so as not to hurt him, but firmly to show that we're ok for now. He hugs me back, then after I pull away he types "Apparently you left me I'm quite a condition. My whole throat was collapsed and blood had trickled out of my mouth. They had to do three surgeries. One, to fix my whole neck. And the second and third..." He lifts his arms and shows me a tube protruding from each side. "To drain the blood from my lungs" he types. I sigh "****.... I really did a number on you, huh" He nods slightly, then gasps slightly and presses the morphine button. "I-I guess I should go..." I say He types "Can you bring Ally to visit? I'm not allowed to even stand up for at least four days...." I sigh am says "Well.... She passed out two nights ago when the whole incident happened as she was trying to see what was going on between us." He leans his head back and makes this expression like 'oh ****.....' then nods slightly. "I-I'm really sorry Michael..." I whisper, and he nods again. "I'll be back to visit soon" ----------------------------- Well, there you have it. The mythical update! Lol.
Yay another update. Alex has quite an anger....poor Michael. I hope he realizes Michael really loves Ally. More Cat
Well, looks like no one is really reading this anymore. But I promised myself I wouldn't stop until I physically cannot write anymore or it is finished. So, even if I don't seem to have many readers, I am continuing to write this.
Thanks guys. I appreciate it. To all my reader, both the ones who show themselves and those who don't, don't worry about me stopping in the middle of this story. I plan to keep this going no matter how few people read it.