Love Troubles

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by KittyCat88-3, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Good job girly
  2. Well, I should be updating tonight.

    Tomorrow, I will either update early in the morning or somewhat late at night (that's my time which is eastern standard) because I am flying back home from Illinois. Sooooo what I'm trying to say is, Imma be really bored being away from PIMD, so I hope the update tomorrow will be great!
  3. Good fan fic 
  4. Thanks Clsyon lol. Ill be updating soon
  5. Alrighty. Imma attempt to update, but idk if ill be able to go one where I left off last time xD lmao
  6. Aw I just realized I had messed up on italics in the last update :( NO ONE SAID ANYTHING?! Lol
  7. ~~~~Love Troubles~~~~

    Ally's POV

    I wake up to a wonderful sight. Alex is actually comforting Michael. But... What for? I then realize where I am, and a flood of memories settle into place. I'm in a hospital.... And Alex is comforting Michael. Something must be terribly wrong... Alex realizes I'm awake, and says "How long have you been watching, Princess?" Princess? He hasn't called me princess in forever. "Long enough-" I start, but have to clear my throat. "Long enough to watch you be nice to him." I finish, as I gesture towards Michael. Alex gives me a small smile, but I have to cough, so I turn away. I start hacking. Bad. Alex presses the button for a nurse but I throat is already raw. I realize suddenly, that I'm coughing up blood. He runs to the door, yanks it open and yells "NURSE?!" down the hall. I finally stop coughing, but a nurse isn't here yet. Alex comes up to me and pulls me close to him and comforts me because now I am crying. I guess I really am in bad shape... a nurse comes in and gives me a medicine for the bleeding and then gives me morphine. I told her I didn't want morphine, that I needed to stay awake and speak with Michael. But she doesn't listen. The last thing I hear before going into darkness is Alex saying, "Don't worry Princess. Ill make sure you talk to him. Just rest and get better."


    Michaels POV

    In my deep sleep, I somehow manage to dream. I dream of Ally and me having a life. Of us getting married and having beautiful children. I've made up my mind. I know what I must do.

    I wake up suddenly. Something's happened, I know it. I sit up, eyes wild and search the room. Alex is asleep in the recliner and Ally seems to be sleeping as well. But... She looks pale. I slowly stand up, trying not to awaken Alex. He's probably been awake the whole time Ally has been here up til now. I walk over to Ally and gently stroke her cheek. She smiles in her sleep, but she seems worried. Maybe she's having a bad dream... I decide, against the rules, to snuggle up next to her. I get into the hospital bed and wrap my arms around her gently, pulling her close. I can follow through with my plans tomorrow...


    Well, I hope this turned out ok. .-.
  8. Ugh... This one is short too!
  9. It's nice to see Michael and Alex attempting to be nice to each other, and I'm pushing for Ally. Another good update, Catt.
  10. I may update again in a bit
  11. Never mind. Too upset to update. Will update tomorrow
  12. Alrighty. Sorry I never did get a chance to update (not that it seems like anyone cared much anyway) I will update later today instead. Maybe 2 updates.
  13. Awesome story!!
    And wall me when updated plz!
  14. Thanks lol. Ill have my designated waller (prettyfro) wall yall
  15. Sorry y'all. **** came up again. Ill try to update tomorrow. (Not that many seem to care. I know there are some lurkers out there!)
  16. I really like how your story is going, wall me when you update?
  17. Will do. My designated waller will have to though, as I am perm silenced.
  18. Ok, so I feel like ****. ._. But I have deprived y'all of an update. So Imma try...