Love Letters

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. You needed 1,500.
  2. You act like they gave us ALLLLLL the top 100 rewards -.-
  3. Hmm, failed. 
  4. Okay this T-Swizzle but she don't look like the ava soo :?
  5. I collected over 1000 collections and I got my awards, but not the Avis.
  6. Only needed 500
  7. I think Female 15k ava is Emma Watson from Perks of being wallflower
  8. I got 500 and neither me nor my partner got the avis. ?
  10. Wait a second. It'll come eventually.
  11. I have 1300+ love letter collectios but we didn't get any avatars.
  12. I got 700 no avas?
  13. Support i wanna buy a badass beyonce avatar that i can buy?
  14. And I hope her and Jay-Z sue
  15. I did not get ava after collecting more then 500 letters
  16. Me and my rs collected 6256 letter collections. We got the right items but the achievement that was given was for 3500 instead of 6000.
  17. I got the items for 500 collections but not the avatars.. Do we get them at different times or...?
  18. I got over 500 and I got my stuff but not my Avi?
  19. Didn't get my avtars I hit over 1305 love letters saying I only got 200. fix your little lag thanks.
  20. Bring Back Gift Bombs Next Hunt