Lost friend

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by sherlockmysterydetective, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Tbh I thought this was gonna be about a friend who died
  2. Wow we have the same problem here :(
  3. Same lol
    But this so sad than I thought
    Alexa play Despacito
  4. I’m sorry to hear that

    Do you want them back in your life?
  5. Hhhheee isss aaa ssspppyyyyy!!!!
  6. My friend left when I said I was a guy just because I had a girl avatar
  7. I mean you also have the name Caroline in your username and are in a club for lesbians so I can see why the person felt misled
  8. Exposed
  9. I second this ?‍♂️
  10. I can't he is too strong
  11. Hire someone to farm him
  12. You're better off without that friend
  13. Whats their ign
  14. What's their IGN? 
  15. Can we take a moment to ask...what happened to Rose?