looking for osw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *renamed04-19 (01), Apr 12, 2014.

  1. ignore the not before simply #noobyerror
  2. Another funny post, Megan.
  3. No all there is here is fairy dust
  4. Here you use a paintball gun to win fights and spocy body wash to win dance battles. Cause logic.
  5. You can also have food fights here. 
  6. Food fights FTW. ?
  7. You're trying to diss a game that has the same developers as the one you play..
  8. The difference in crowd is night and day, rp is the thing here I see no talk of smackin someone around in WC more rp than any kind of war...rp in my opinion is people who are saddened so much by their real life that they come to tap tap to feel better
  9. I'd like to say:
    Go bak 2 kaw k? <4
  10. Bang I've been in more fights on here than on kaw so yeahhhhh,your not so good there
    Only person who dared to toutch me on kaw was someone in zaft and already nobody's be hitting me from battle list,this game has more REAL fights than kaw.
  11. There used to be a lot of wars, but ATA sort of gave people new things to strive for so all people do now is party, hence the name of the game.

    ATA's games are rp based, just like you having a 'war' with your 'kingdom'. But if you look at the little kids and pervs on campus who ask for rp, that doesnt mean we all rp 24/7.
  12. WC looks like match.com
  13. Match doesn't have a half of a chance of getting you some if you want it
  14. Did i mention little kids and pervs? I think i did
  15. Rp is fun op watch:

    21/21/7 f op

    See that was rp because you are dtw for me still. Maybe one day if we practice our rp really hard and you get those stats up, we can do it for real!
  16. Ikr ? I wanna farm OP too.