Looking for an english speaking club

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alicia14, May 30, 2019.

  1. Don't remember
  2. i see!! i sorta forgot that there was another campus for non-english speaking countries, my b
  3. It's alright xd
  4. ⋆❁Da Cat Elites❁⋆
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  5. its still extremely easy to find english-speaking clubs in the asian campus. ? im in the asian campus ..
  6. Hello, you can get a VPN app on your phone. Select a different country that primarily speaks English, then you can get on English campus. That’s how I flipped from English to Asian campus for fun.
  7. It's more for geographical region and time zones, as PIMD is a global game that encourages social interaction.
  8. Yea but I heard you can get banned if you do that cause ata might think you're sharing your account
  9. Sorry I’m in a mandarin speaking club
  10. ATA doesn't ban for using VPNs anymore (it used to be against the rules iirc). I've see mods use them. If it makes you feel better, you could send a help ticket informing them you will be using a VPN (or ask permission to use it) so it'll be on record that you are in fact using a VPN.
  11. I didn't. I got two rounds in and then got dropped.

    edit: LOL you deleted it
  12. I sent a help ticket asking them if I could use a vpn and they said that they don't recommend it :(
  13. Move countries for the sake of English clubs obviously only option left
  14. Buying a ticket asap
  15. Excellent, we have lots of space in Canada
  16. You better have lots of space in your cardboard box as well
  17. You can sleep on the couch. It's a p nice cardboard box