Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. ⚜️15.7MCS looking for similar stats
    ⚜️Can’t Ask
    ⚜️Will max your gifts

    Add Me?
  2. Still looking, add me if interested ❤

  3. Bump 🙊
  4. I need an RS!! Around my stats, sometimes I might send gifts or shards that you'd need. I'll probably won't talk much to you lol

    Btw I can ask🙂
  5. 🌈Looking for new rs 🌈

    About Me:
    • 24mcs
    • 21 y/o
    • I would prefer not to ask, but that can be discussed.
    • Sfw friendly
    • Can and will max gifts
    • Sometimes I buy ec gifts
    • Will do colored dates occasionally
    • Yes, we can be friends
    What I would like from you:
    • 22mcs minimum
    • 18+
    • Able/willing to ask, but again can be discussed
    • Sfw friendly
    • Can max gifts
    • I do not expect ec gifts
    • Be friendly
    • I accept all genders ✌🏼
    Whiskey-Kinky-Mari likes this.
  6. Looking for stats RS.
    5mcs, would like someone around same stats.
    I don't have ask out!
  7. I’m looking for an rs that is actually online, that is willing to work together and grow. I can ask out, that’s not an issue. I don’t mind maxing gifts as I do that for my alt which I’ll gladly tell you that as it’s lower than this account. I do only have two accounts active on both. I made my alt to help friends as needed. I don’t mind doing colored names. I’m 43, know how to play, not afraid to talk to anyone. While I am nice don’t mistake that and think I can be walked on as I won’t let that happen. I’m here for fun and to enjoy the game, want to know more just ask me. My combined stats are 17.3M and growing.
    TheSavageHammie likes this.
  8. Just giving it a bump.
    JudgeHekate likes this.
  9. Just giving it a bump.
  10. Found one. Thank you for everyone who had responded.

    ME :-
    Can max:max cash gifts
    No rp, serious relationship, just for stats
    Always upgrading

    You :-
    Higher than my stats.
    Max:max cash gifts
    Please upgrade...
    No rp, serious stuffs.

    Not yet broken up with current rs, waiting for a new rs🌚
    Hit me up with cheap gifts💕
  12. Bump
  13. Still looking 😝❤️
  14. Looking For A New Rs 💔💕

    ♡ 38Mcs I can't ask out
    ♡ I can max Cash gifts unless close to an ug
    ♡ Can do Color dates Cos They Cute😃
    ♡ Not just for stats😶 I mean we can be friends 😉
    If you think its important, well Im 19😁

    Please :
    ♡ BeActive atleast 25mcs+
    ♡ youll have to ask out
    ♡ Preferably female
    ♡ Can max cash gifts unless close to ug
    ♡ you may try and get to know about me b4 u askout.
  15. I’m talking with someone at present who wishes to be my rs. Thank you.
  16. Hi! :)
    I’m ISO an active RS.

    About me:
    Gender (if it matters): F
    Stats: 22MCS
    Age (if it matters): 23

    • Must be 18+
    • 20MCS+
    *will accept 15MCS+ (lowest) and growing
    • Able to max hunt gifts
    • Small talk wouldn’t kill you, would it?
  17. Oh! Forgot to mention: I can ask out!
    IamSAMurai likes this.
  18. Somebody ask me out already🙁
    I’m 8.2mcs, and growing quickly.
    Can max gifts and sfw friendly.
  19. 🍃👀🍃 Looking for rs with an ask out with 4mcs or higher stats. 🙊🙈