Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Hi. Mines stuck at 8kcs but got a hot avi. I just need some help growing. Im active.
  2. best ad ever
  3. I am lcbc
    Looking for good stat partner

    Ask me out
  4. why? 
  5. 5.9 mcs.
    str build preferred cant ask but will flood with ec(hundreds literally?) when situated in a few weeks

    Contact first
  6. 129 kcs looking got. Stat rs. ? I am tiny but mighty
  7. 17 kcs
    Looking for someone to help me upgrade.
    I can't ask.
  8. Looking for someone who's active and with ask out. ??
  9. My stats are: 128,886kcs and im still upgrading.
    I Would like someone who has more skcs then me and can ask me out.
    Thx ??
  10. 7.something MCS.
    Looking for around my stats or higher. ?
    You have to ask out though..
  11. I want to f##k
  12. 
  13. And I want a cookie!
  14. 3.1mcs, Stat only RS. Need to be 1mcs
    No free ask out left, so you would have to ask ?
  15. I'm about 2500 2500 can't quite remember and I'm looking for higher to ask me out ?
  16. I am BC and must have similar stats. If you ask it's better but I can also ask. Must like to send gifts
  17. I'm two crews/dorms away to being LCBC and looking for someone active & closest to my stat RS. Preferably a girl too and just for stats of course (because I have a bf and he doesn't want any guy talking to me. don't ask.)

    Also someone who collects gifts / ec gifts for added stats, someone who I can trade new gifts with. You ask ???
  18. Looking for stat RS, must be BC .. You have to ask me out though..
  19. As long as they lcbc and can rs me

    I'm 300kcs
  20. Please shut your dirty whore mouth jerk