Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  2. Looking for active female rs. Atleast 3-7 mcs. I’m active and 4.4 and growing! I can ask! Thanks.
  3. I'm 8 mcs I need an RS of minimum 3 mcs idh ask out ask me out thanks
  4. Need RS minimum 2 mcs ask me out
  5. I want active rs of my below stat but I don't hv ask out
  7. :roll: basically no ask out = no rs :?
  8. Looking for a stat RS
    Preferably male
    Hopefully 6mcs
    I can’t ask out
  9. 16mcs strength build, I can ask if around my stats.
  10. Looking for an rs 10mcs+ for my rs that can ask
  11. Looking for RS singular or higher stats, you ask please.. thanks!!!
  12. 20mcs here, looking for active stats rs 20mcs+, can't askout
  13. ~20mcs
    Ask me.
  14. Looking for RS my stats or higher, currently 7.6mcs. You ask.
  15. I need one too mine is like 200kcs up
  16. ?My stats: 18.9mc?
    Looking for: 19mc

    ?Current rs is inactive so I’m not in any rush.
    Don’t have ask?
    ⛅️Requirements⛅️ just be active idc about gifts or ec name colours ??[/quote][/quote]
  17. My friends looking for a sugar daddy rs she's 10.6 mcs and wants you to ask in exchange for her sweet lovin rp? pm me for her ign. serious inquiries only.
  18. Need RS my stats or higher I can ask I'm growing semi-fast so if you're my stats I prefer you grow as quick as me oh yeah and must be able to tolerate me ?
  19. Im looking for a stats rs im 2.5mcs i dont have an ask out so please ask me out thanks