Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 8mcs
    Can't ask out, sorry
  2. ?4mcs+? Can't ask out tho. So ask me out ?
  3. Looking for an Rs 5mcs you ask
  4. RS FOR STATS!?? im +7mcs,Ask me tbh, +5mcs ?
  6. Hi I'm 21Mcs searching for RS partner.
    Followings are the requirements:

    Minimum Stats: 20Mcs Above

    Relationship with: Girl
    Relationship For: Stats
    Location: International
    Must have ask out
    Must Be Active

    **NOTE** person should be able to help during any particular issues.
  7. I'm looking for rs same stat or higher
    You must have ask out
  8. Looking An RS For A Friend He's 14mcs
    Requirements 10mcs plus ?
    You Ask ?
  9. What if you can't ask them out because if it's not free then what
  10. Can't ask out but u can ask me tho
  14. Can anyone ask me out in over 1 mc and J send my rs gifts all the time
  15. 6.5mcs Girl
    LF> RS with close stats
    Can't ask
  16. Perm RS plsssss same stats or higher than me ??? 2mcs here!!
  17. I'm looking for a stat only RS around my stats (higher or lower) (I'm just short of 12mcs). I don't have ask out. ?
  18. I'm 1.6MCS
    Looking for someone my stats or higher.
    I can't ask so you would have to.
  19. Looking for stats RS:
    Male preferred
    I can possibly ask
    Must be pretty chill 
  20. Need a rich girl that can request me for a relation ship stats message or add me on the game King-JaMeS