Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. NO YOU ASK?
  2. Nevermind xD
  3. lookin for a nasty rp relationship here
  4. ? jk.?
  5. I have 2 tuts both over 200kcs needing a stats rs. Strictly stats. Neither has a free ask. Or I would have one as the other
  6. Need a guy rs u have to ask i can't
  7. 92kcs
    any stat partner
    ill ask 
  8. This is one of the first people I've seen willing to ask.? C'mon guys.?
  9. Ill ask
    just Keedin I can't (^_^)
  10. [​IMG]

    ᗪᗩᗰᑎ ᖇIGᕼT
  11. You're an ex Terror arent you?
  12. I need a stat rs. Around my kcs u ask:)
  13. If I don't like your PIMD user name, then I wouldn't rs with you… I am honestly shallow like that… I would always be willing to change my name when my rs partner wants me to because I'm cool like that too, and I like people who are also cool like that… and I am totally loaded with EC… So many want me for my EC… It's kinda funny to me! With all that said, I am totally satisfied with my current rs partner till he chooses to break up with me… but I'm sure that won't happen, so I just thought I would share my pointless and silly feelings for anyone who is bored enough to care! :p

  14. Do you Like mine? :?
  15. Maybe if you capitalized the "b" in your name, then it would be simple and cute and kinda my style… Countrified in its own way… but names should start with a capital letter… :)
  16. </3
    I hope you heard it break
  17. 3.85mcs here
    Looking for a guy near my stats 
    At least 1mcs?
    Ask me out.
  18. Looking to replace my current RS ? Anyone will do.
  19. How many people have got a rs out of this
  20. I am looking for a stats only rs
    -I am 5.5 mcs
    -preferably anyone around my size but over 3mcs will do.
    -I wasted my free ask but if the Stat benefits would be great enough I'd look into getting more ec.

    Thank you