Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Bye
  2. Stats rs more then 6mcs and I can't ask tho sry?
  3. Still looking for a good RS, wall me
  4. I am a nub, but I provide ok banter. Rs me ty
  5. Looking for rs too. 2mcs here.
    Same stat or somewhat near to my stat is fine too.
  6. I'm 7mcs
    Looking for 7mcs or higher.
    You ask..
    Donut be a creep kthx ??
  7. Looking for rp must be 39mcs and very skilled at dancing and booty shaking. Plz be a creep
  8. my current rs is a nub who only sends me munions :cry:

    i'm 14mcs and p chill. if you're above 10mcs, and actually know how to talk, wall me if you're interested in being my rs. i can ask but prefer not to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. I'm 8mcs looking for someone around my stats. Either I or they van ask.
  10. I'm 27mcs. I can ask wall me if interested
  11. I'm 15mcs preferably someone 15mcs
    I can ask out but not trying to waste money if someone just going to break it.
  12. I'm 18mcs looking for someone around my stats
    You ask
  13. For stats, same or higher ask me out ~
  14. 8.8/8.8
    Same stats or higher
    Ask me out. I Don't have ask out.
  15. Looking for stat rs you ask  im 753kcs
  16. About 16.2mcs
    Looking for someone at least 15mcs or above
    Hope you can ask me out
  17. About 17.1mcs
    Looking for stat RS
  18. Deleted half my post.

    Looking for stat RS
    And hunt gift maxing partner
    Close to my stats or higher
    My current RS is my ex and I need a new one
    Wall or follow me.
    You ask