Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 2mcs Active looking for a rs just for stats. Rs must be active. My stats or higher. I have no problem with doing gift exchanges.No RP!
  2. Need a 2ms rs who is active & friendly
  3. Looking for any kind of rs but no rp and not a newbie
    I'll ask
  4. Looking for rs 19mcs+ please just for stats
  5. Looking for Long term Strength build Rs 8 mcs must be active ?? wall me 
  6. Looking for a long term rs, I'm, almost 4 mcs. I'll ask. Preferably female.

    PS. Please be crazy ?
  7. - I'm 440 kcs-ish.
    - anything form 100 kcs up if you ask out.
    - Same or higher than me if I do so.
    - Someone who won't break up over petty things.
    - Wall me. -
  8. Hi I'm looking for an RS I'm kind and happy as always
  9. Hello Future RS,
    I'm 14mcs buy I'll accept 12mcs
    I'm mainly looking for a farming buddy..
    We should chat and I don't mind gifting new hunt gifts but just keep in mind I'm iOS :lol:
    Doesn't matter which gender tbh I just need a friend. :cry:
    I can ask if you're real stingy so just wall me :lol:
    Hope to see you soon :roll:
  10. Got the rs now 
  11. Hi I'm 9mcs and I'm looking for a guy rs ?
  12. 5.9mcs
    4.5mcs or above
    Looking for perm rs
  13. Looking for rs partner, wall me if interested, I'm not very active in rs and don't really spend ec gifts...
  14. 180kcs
    150kcs ^
    I can ask out
  15. 12mcs same or higher. Gender is not important.
  16. Im 13mcs. In need of nice and chatty rs 13mcs+++ i will ask out ?♀
  18. Looking for an active rs who will stay active. Also someone who will talk to me
  19. Need an RS partner just for stats; min 3mcs.I'm 7.5 mcs. Add me or wall me. You'll ask
  20. I'm looking for female Rs my stats or higher or bit less