Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 16mcs just looking for an rs of similar stats
    Long term- just for stats ??
  2. I'm looking for a stat rs. I'll ask.
    I like to gift a lot and be social.
    Preferably looking for a guy. Wall me
  3. Need RS 25mcs+
    I'm 28.5mcs
  4. Nee RS 4mcs
    Guys only
  5. Need RS 4mcs
    Guys only
  6. 17 mcs just looking for someone active around my stats,wall me
  8. I'm 11MCS looking for a 10MCS RS I'll ask
  9. 3mcs, looking for similar stats (or above cus duh)

    Just don't be a weirdo
  10. 8M CS.
    Preferably a lady. ?
    Same stats or higher would definitely be nice. A little less is fine too.
  11. 5.8mcs looking for rs and possibly be able to exchange gifts
  12. looking for long term RS for stat only 17mcs
  13. I am 20 mcs looking for new active permanent RS... If anyone interested plz ask me out.. Thanx
  14. Need active rs for stats
    17.6mcs here
    Same stat or higher
  15. Need RS for stats.
    Ask me out.
  16. ? I'm 27mcs looking for active rs that will be interested in trading ec gifts and cash gifts. Wall me if interested
  17. I'm 11.6MCS. An active and upgrading RS around my stats or higher. ? I'm willing to ask out.
  18. Looking 25mcs+ girl rs , pls wall me ? I can ask out
  19. Looking for a rs. Similar or stats above mine. Preferably u ask out. Can swap money new gifts
  20. 10.79mcs
    looking for stat RS around 8mcs and up
    no strings attached 