Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. I think im looking for rs

    ? higher,around my stat or min 12mcs

  2. I'm 23 MCs. Looking for an RS. I want someone who will exchange gifts. And someone I can get to know so I'm not RSed to a stranger.

    23MCS and higher.
  3. 1mcs Looking for someone around my stats that will ask out
  4. I'm 133,720kcs
    Looking for 1mcs or higher
    You have to ask
    I grow fast
    Wall me
  5. Ask me out pls Im 7mcs
  7. I'm not going to ask somewhat like requirements what i want is just a partner that are willing.
  8. Looking for an rs 6mcs+, I can ask
  9. Looking for a rs 6mcs or Stats close to mine that has free ask out is anyone interested preferably girl?
  10. Case closed
  12. 10 mcs
    Need a rs of same stats or above
    No free ask outs
  13. i'm 7mcs and will ug regularly~
    searching for someone around my stat or higher, preferably active on hunts etc. and pretty talkative. and preferably guy.
    i cannot ask c:
  14. I'm 8mcs and upgrading looking for rd with similar stats I can ask out I just bought the ecs
    Any gender as long as they keep active and ug
    :) thanks xx
  16. I'm 4kcs and looking for a stat rs. I'm hoping for lit conversations and someone who will spoil me
  17. Also be active.
  18. Needing an RS that can ask 22MCS plus I don't care if you follow or not. im 22.5mcs wall me.