Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. 16mcs and growing~
    Looking for stat rs who can ask out, maybe around 12mcs or so?
    I'd love to trade/max hunt gifts and I'm usually very active.
    Wall me please. 
  2. I cant ask and atleast 1mcs
  3. I'm above 500kcs and I'm looking for an active rs who is around my stats .....and who can ask me out
  4. I'm 18mcs, looking for female RS partner, 15mcs+. I can't ask out,but can drop cat to the one who can ask out and i can max your gift. wall me or follow me. thanks :)
  5. 7.6mcs looking for rs must be same or higher stats. Can't ask
  6. I'm around 3 mcs. I'm looking for a rs partner, preferably around my stats but lower is fine as long as they are growing. I can't ask
  7. I'm 166,808 looking for someone to rs u ask 
  8. 2mcs here looking for 1mcs and up
    Can't ask but I'm active and can gift
  9. Looking for a 9mcs+ , I max gifts.
    I'm a girl, idc girl or boy. STATS ONLY.
    Must be active, you ask.

  10. Looking for an rs stats higher than mine at least thanks
  11. The user JOSH is looking for a rs looking for a girl with a big buttt. Stats close hit him up
  12. Looking for 10MCS
    Am 8.9McS
    Have max cash gift and be sweet to me.
    I cant ask so you have to
  13. I'm 4mcs looking for a female rs around my stats or so...
    Maybe I can ask
  14. I'm above 500kcs
    Looking for rs around my stat
    I can't ask out
  15. I'm currently a little bit over 1 million combined stats I need a stat relationship you ask you must be active and at least 77 thousand combined stats
  16. I'm currently a little bit over 1 million combined stats I need a stat relationship you ask you must be active and at least 77 thousand combined stats
  17. I'm currently a little bit over 1 million combined stats I need a stat relationship you ask you must be active and at least 77 thousand combined stats please
  18. Looking myself
  19. I'm 25mcs, looking for female RS partner, 18mcs+. I can't ask out, but i can max your gift. wall me or follow me. thanks :)