I never know about boys I can't believe them I don't think that I will find my partner but it's okay I will be fine with this okay see ya
- Looking for someone around my stats or higher ( 10mcs ) - Can trade hunt gifts with me - Must be active - I can't ask
I'm 11.1mcs I can't ask out I've been on the search for 5 months now :/ I'm funny Age isn't a problem with me
So from this you took as me being feminist when I'm just stating what this thread is actually made for. You stupid ?
Aphro bb hmu with a rs like you always on forums and we be perfect kthx ~ 10mcs , Smaller isn't a problem really ~ Preferably a girl honestly ~ You'd have to ask, there's a possibility I can but it is small ~ Be talkative, either just stats or not, but I'd like to get to know you either way smh