Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1.  1mcs ?i cant ask 
  2. Nvm i have rs
  3. 11mcs ?

    Im active
    I can't ask ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
  4. Lani, I can't ask I need a new RS my stats or higher I love conversations and I'm a sweet helpful RS ️️
  5. I'm looking for a new rs I'm 3.1Mcs as long as the female is close to my stats that's fine I can't ask though so if you can ask go for it my current rs is inactive
  6. No need now I found someone
  7. Looking for an RS, around my stats, I can't ask. Wall me por favor lol
  9. I'm 7mcs, very active.
    Loving animals, dancing and jogging ️
    I need rs close to my stats or higher.. I can't ask out though >.<
  10. Seeking stats Rs
    400kc +
    I upgrade and gift frequently
    You ask
  11. Almost 14mcs here looking for STAT RS around my stats. I'll gift a bento if you ask out because i can't ask
  12. I gotta solution and it's date me
  13. Looking for an rs have been for 4-5 months
    I'm like 10mcs I think
    I can t ask though :/
  14. 22Mcs+ / f / active in home club
    I need RS for stat.
    19Mcs+ ask me out ^^
    Thank you.
  15. I'm looking for an rs who is my status or higher an yes I do farm so you must not be a scrub an I will help if you being farmed you ask me out
  16. I'm 10.3mcs/Male/Australian

    Looking for an Australian rs that's active and talks alot, preferably 3mcs+

    Also i can ask but not for 2-3weeks
  17. Seeling stat RS
    I am 21mcs
    Looking for someone with same stats or more.
  18. Looking for Stats RS
    I'm +7MCS, Female, England.
    Im chatty so I expect you to talk to me and return max gifts.

    My stats or higher. Not a farmer.
    I can ask 
  19. I'm 400kcs.
    Looking for a stat RS.
    Idc about your stats but you would have to ask