Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Looking for someone who is an intel build
    Around my stats
    I'm 15mcs
  2. Okay anyway how's everyone going?
  3. Need rs 1mcs or higher prefer str build. I can't ask out.
  4. Need RS for stats. I don't have an ask out :)
  5. 16kcs
    Looking for at least 10kcs
    You ask
  6. Looking for an rs close to Mine or higher please be able to ask
  7. 2.7 mcs
    Anyone around the same or above
    You ask?
  8. I am 2.5MCS, any lower stats than mine is fine but you ask. Thanks
  9. I'm 27kcs and I'm looking for a stat rs I have a free ask out
  10. I got a friend that is about 4mcs and is looking for a stat rs wall me if you want her name
  11. I'm a hot Latino looking for mamas
  12. I'm almost 7 mcs. would prefer a girl, but whatever. Looking for my stats (or slightly lower) and above. you ask, please
  13. ? Looking for a RS for stats! ?
    I'm currently 11mcs and frequently like to upgrade.
    Cliche, I know, but I want someone my stats or higher, I will ask if your stats are higher than mine of course.
    ? Looking for monthly egg sushi and Sriracha RP! JK, but looking for someone who likes to exchange gifts.
    I buy EC so I would prefer the same if possible. I would like to exchange 1:1 EC gifts during hunts and someone to run around with me in the kitty clubs. ?
    Someone 21+ to deal with my Tequila Tuesdays love! ?
    Gender doesn't matter at all (I am a female by the way) just please be decently active and know how to have fun!

    Fonts are awesome!
    ? Reposted ?

  14. Wow, A 10 for presentation 
  15. Hello ppl im 4MCS looking for a rs. Looking for someone to trade gifts and upgrades. Does not have to be to active as i am a alt but i do log on everyday. I am active. Would prefer no ec gifts trade but will trade if needed. Please pm me if interested.
  16. I need 79ecs what is up?
  17. No kidding lol
  18. Thank you! :eek: It was fun putting together haha. ?
  19. Looking for an rs prefer a girl and around my stats
    I can ask