You still have a free ask out, on this account, right?? If so, then once you ug then it shouldn't that hard to find an RS.?
im looking for an RS. 1mcs will do. but i do't have ask out already, used it for the wrong one, she told me she was active, but then she quits the game ( help me please ?
Looking for an RS. 10Mcs , preferred. Have some questions I'd like to ask to whomever may be interested, so wall/PM me.
Need a rs ? 8mcs, female here ? I want a good one, talktactive, not askin me for rp things. Must higher than 100kcs ??
My friend GraveRose is looking for a stat rs. Serious inquiries only please. She's around 400kcs anyone close to that or above can message me. #BestWingWomanEverHopefully