Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. ? I'm like 15KCS, looking for a sugar daddy.

    RS me. Thx.
  2. When you have to RS your main/alt(?).?
  3.  The struggle is too real ? :cry:
  4. You still have a free ask out, on this account, right??

    If so, then once you ug then it shouldn't that hard to find an RS.?
  5. ? Or you could RS me. < 3
  6. Sure, once you have higher stats than Wolf.<3?
  7. ? Challenge accepted. Time to clear out my bank account.
  8. My 10kcs alt needs a rs ? You ask
  9. im looking for an RS. 1mcs will do. but i do't have ask out already, used it for the wrong one, she told me she was active, but then she quits the game :(( help me please ?
  10. I'll RS you bby. <3
  11. Looking for an RS. 10Mcs , preferred. Have some questions I'd like to ask to whomever may be interested, so wall/PM me.
  12. Need a rs ?
    8mcs, female here ?
    I want a good one, talktactive, not askin me for rp things. Must higher than 100kcs ??
  13. My friend GraveRose is looking for a stat rs.
    Serious inquiries only please.
    She's around 400kcs anyone close to that or above can message me.
  14. 10mcs+ rs ? I can ask out
  15. Needs rs minimum 100kcs or above
    Don't have ask out,so please ask me out 
  16. Me tbh
  17. -IQ- is looking for RS 18mcs+ :roll:
  18. Damn too high
  19. looking for active rs. must be mcs. i dont have ask out 