look and paste

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Sep 22, 2011.

  1. :3 Ty is so freaking cute.
  2. <><><><><><><><><>

    Lol, patterns and Russian.
  3. hockey  my national sport.  Rock on dude 

     my paste
  4. I'll give you a name. Go to my profile and go to the tab that says "tutors". Find the name on my list and hit hire. Hit it over and over as fast as you can. Don't wait for the motoficattion okay?
  5. Guys please let my thread die. I re did it cuz 100 of these posts are from a fight. Please switch to posting on paste it
  6. These are the answers:
    1. Tap on the top propeller 5 times and then the propeller on the left 5 times.
    2. Drag the machine under the word bullet and drag you finger up.
    3. Tap the Stop button when the Green light goes on (the Stop button becomes Go)
    4. Tap Care on the bottom-left square then tap Fully on the bottom-right square
    5. Wait for the ghost to go to one side, then quickly drag the ghost down and type 1 
  7. So I'll only have a railgun? Damn it! Why did the shoop da woop laser transmitter have to be on the right side? >.<
  8. 
    I am invited to 
    Roxie and Jake's