LLL war confirmed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by T-S-U-B-A-S-A, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. You made a war club to...... reject wars? That makes sense
  2. Rejected.....again
  3. How many rejections now lol




  5. You're making Dan look bad c'mon
  6. This will be his third rejection in a matter of minutes
  7. I'm gonna pm dan and tell him to join our side haha
  8. holy shit
  9. Saber should just go back to parties. Don't try to war a club if you're just going to reject
  10. I expect an orange color around my club option in home screen when I get off work
  11. How do you make that jop
  12. Woohoo about time he accepted
  13. Yup now he's got to get his little followers to join roster two more times saber that's how a war is accepted in case you didn't know.lol
  14. Talks a big game, but can't back up his words obviously
  15. Lucy gotta get in there also
  16. Their main club wouldn't accept, so I suppose u little sh**s will do
  17. Hahaha talking a big game there saber. I just laugh at you 
  18. They need one more show me what you got do you got it in you saber
  19. Haha, watch saber lose and you better get Lucy to join, otherwise it's not against her "empire" if the leader isn't present
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