LIMITED TIME Avatar Bundles!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Replace these lmao
  2. *says limited time*
    *Leaves in store 4months past end date*
    ... Really ATA? Lame marketing strategy.
  3. It was a typo it ends 2019 that’s the lie I’m going with
  4. Aprilfools
  6. trash avis
  8. Omg posted the comment without commenting first. Was gonna say I like them. ?
  9. When are these really getting replaced?
  10. We as forumers have no idea, whenever ata decides
  11. Y’all keep bumping this thread and at least twice now I’ve thought it was something new and got excited and curious. Of course I’m adding to the problem now, but ??‍♀️
  12. New Avatar Bundles, Please?
  13. Same lmao.
  14. low key im kinda glad they didnt replace these cause i got to buy the F avi like last week but also, i want new avis too ? get on it devs.