Pretty Baby alien Loved By: Singing Caterpillar I don't know why but Used Octopus
Okay so it seems everyone on here is from V Family so imma say something to you all. V Family~ V Formation, V and V Hangar You guys have made my entire pimd experience worth while. I joined V Hangar at 5kcs and worked hard to get to the 10kcs limit fast, u guys worked with me, taught me things about this game, taught me about life, helped me with school, and more. Whenever I needed to talk to someone you let me rant, cry, I even tried to quit V Family many times but your pm's brought me back every time, you guys are the most caring people I have ever met. You make me laugh and smile even when uk I am in a bad mood. You pushed me hard and got me to where I am today, in V Formation at 1mcs, you have done everything to make me feel welcome and you guys act more like a family than my actual family.I love each and everyone of you. The reason I am happy, nice, caring and more is because of you guys. You made me who I am, therefore be thankful and glad about yourselfs you guys are special, unique and more. You are the reason I am nice to you all. -Lillie aka your baby alien P.S. I love you guys so much
I never posted on the forums before in all 19 months here on pimd. Til this thread so that should prove you are special to all of us Lillie. Thank you for always being there for everybody. I only wish I can return the favor when you need me.
Let me apologize. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings V person. Also, Maxime, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings as well. I never mean any harm and I never meant what I said on this thread. Please forgive me.