Life RP returns :3

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Jan 2, 2012.

  1. *bell rings and goes outside for lunch*
  2. *goes outside for lunch and happily munches away*
  3. *opens up lunch and sees a jelly sandwich*
  4. -My mom leaves me in rhe classroom and I sit down, looking around-
  5. (I quit this rp)
  6. -I quietly sit down. my blue eyes immersed in a cute book full of colorful pictures-
  7. [There are bells in Pre-K?]

    The teacher announces the time for lunch and my chauffeur comes in and hands me my small but gourmet food and I sit at a picnic table outside as I nod when my chauffeur asks me if I want him to leave.
  8. *sits down and eats shushi*
  9. Sits under a tree looking at a book about animals not eating anything
  10. *walks into school*
  11. *tries to hide behind my mum*
  12. *walks over to opal* hey watcha doin?
  13. Mum: I'm sure you'll be fine, why don't you go talk to that girl over there she looks nice
  14. (i'll re-join )
    -my mom talks to the teacher while I seat on an empty place, looking at the other kids-
  15. Tom: *walks over to kira timidly* umm… hi **
  16. Hi... *sits on tree branch*
  17. I-I'm tom *smiles weakly*
  18. Sees 2 kids talking and decides to go over "Hello!" I say acting confident
  19. -i turn to see my mom already leaving-
  20. I'm Kira Adiagi *holds hand out* want to come up?