Life isn’t fair: Looks > Personalty

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StarMyBorn, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. did anyone actually bother to read through all of this
  2. oh thank god i’m not the only one.
  3. Some of y’all put more effort into your forum posts than I do on my essays. 
  4. God damn incels.
  5. LMFAO
  6. Me making a white person "cringe" is never a bad thing. I don't know why you assumed it would matter to me... or anyone...

  9. I read the first couple pages and skipped to the end. Doesnt look like I missed anything good
  10. Personality trumps looks ..buuuuut sense of humor is EVERYTHING
  11. Rt
  12. Bruh, you can be a three but if you got a bomb ass personality you go up. Then the exchange can add confidence which can lead to better self care and health. But frfr were just here to procreate, so let’s just all do that.
  13. listen. i used to date UGLY people. and i knew they weren’t all that cute, but their personalities made them a 10 in my eyes when looks wise, they were maybe a strong 4-5. it’s all about personality to me. i have now since raised my standards look wise because the uglies were treating me as if i was with them and i’m a good 12. an ugly personality can also make someone really ugly to me even if i once thought they were cute.
  14. OP did u get rejected?
  15. I honestly wish everyone cared for personality over looks cause like my friend said looks fade personality stays
  16. Idk, I've always prefered personality myself lol, I don't really "identify" as a girl or a boy... And I definitely am not dating my bf for his looks, he's funny and trustworthy and kind. Maybe I didn't wanna date him right off the bat, but that's cause I didn't know him well. But I wouldn't just up and agree to date even a really "good looking" guy if he asked me without knowing him lol. Though... that might be because I have slight trust issues lol? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but idk? Anyway... My point is I think it just depends on the person. Some people are only looking for looks and thing looks > personality. Some people don't give a flying crap about looks and only want a good personality and or sense of humor and they think personality > looks. It just depends, everyone is different.
  17. I feel ya. I wouldn'd date an ugly girl myself
  18. People call me ugly too. But I don't care anymore

  19. Embrace it