Lettuce talk about body hair

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. That’s spooky
  2. Don't assume.
  3. Ok from henceforth I'm thereby calling you Lone Star in honor of the red, white, and blue ⭐
  4. Cringe but otay
  5. See? You never said Smurf was cringe. You probably thought the nickname was cute
  6. I definitely didn't think it was cute. I am not a fan of any nickname you might have for me
    Muschi likes this.
  7. If you look like a Smurf, you'll be called a Smurf
  8. I donut look like a smurf doe
  9. Yea you're right. Now you look like a Smurf who does crack and thought red-blue hair was a good idea 😂
  10. Maybe
  11. I'll let you call me Chewie if you let me call you Smurf, deal?
  12. I feel like he's tryna flirt
  13. Ew
  14. I feel like you have red-blue hair
  15. I look better than you
  16. According to who
  17. According to our selfies
  18. If you say so
  19. Pull it back on topic please peeps! ✌🏼
  20. 😕