let's talk.. video games 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Chocolatten (01), Apr 21, 2012.

  1. FPS, Blackshot  If ure malaysian blackshot player, Follow me for a match 
  2. 

    Its a ps2 game. Its an RPG
  3. Rpg, and fighting are my favs.
    Mortal Kombat (any of them except Mk vs Dc) is up on my top 5. And for a decent amount of play time Any TES game or Final Fantasy's 1-9
  4. I haven't played oblivion...
  5. Ff 10 and 12 were amazing. 13 was balls. 11 was pc only, which is also balls. 8 sucked.

    Shooters are somewhat entertaining, but for me they get old quickly. In online, you just do the same thing over and over. In the campaign (story mode) it's what, 5 hours? They're alright though.
  6. It cut 

    CoD AND BF3

    DotA2 and HoN
  7. I must say that mw3 is shameful. One of the worst games I've ever played. Black ops was better. Would've been damn near perfect if there was a bit less lag.
  8. Lag depends on your connection.

    I used to have terrible lag cause I was on the American servers since the Irish server was up its great. 
  9. That's true too, but I don't have any problems with bullets flying through enemies and doing no damage on mw3.
  10. Tps- S4 League 
    Favorite games-Skyrim,MW3,BlackOps

    Playing now-MW3 just got like 3 weeks ago
  12. Skyrims awesome! But ATM I'm playing the uncharted games, dead island and a game called I am alive. Not far into it but so far it's ok.
  13. Love dead island too 
  14. MMORPG
    All of them.
  15. RPG, FPS, TPS and RTS.

    Halo, Half Life, Portal, L4D, AC, The Elder Scrolls ect
  16. Oh and def ZSG's (zombie survival game)
  17. MMORPGS. ,_,

    I'm hopeless.