Let's Stop Bullying

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. 2 stiffs in one thread  its overwhelming!!!! and panda i have x2 more followers. xD
  2. Sure Flame

    And crack-head, please leave my thread
  3. Honestly crack-head if u want to cut..it has to make some sense first
    I bet ur bullied everyday and hide it with
    "this gay...that homosexual ...I'm stupid"
  4. Lol I don't even know how much followers I have now. Someone check for meh? I deleted atleast 300 or so the last 2 days.
  5. Again, if you're gonna call anyone a homo, direct it the right way. me
  6. ismt the thread about STOP BULLYING? your bullying
  7. Michelle I couldn't care less about how I come across on here, and from what I've seen there isn't anyone worth impressing. The only real hating is the hating on me.. Losers
  8. Crack head stfu u fucking 7 year old
    Get some better comebacks and we cam talk once u grow some balls
  9. crack-head please leave my thread
  10. Obviously you do care because uou continue to comment. My, my, my, how that works.
  11. Crack follow the ToU. if the owner of the thread says leave then you have to
  12. Lol everyone chill. He's pleasuring himself to all this hate. He loves it. I suggest we leave the poor kid and let him suck on his own nipples. K?
  13. I continue to comment because u idiots amuse me with your lame retorts and rhetoric
  14. If this thread is so gay y u postin on it
    ..it makes u gay
    U know wut u deserve crack head
  15. so do you. yours are obviuosly lamer and u are hiding behind those 2 year old retorts
  16. crack-head PLEASE leave my thread 
  17. Where can I find this tou?
  18. Black hair girl is meh da other is u cracky