Let's make this a learning experience.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __-Bravo-__, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. Op, madam cour was up and ready she was leading party inc help with the elite prime warriors, sad part was she didn't eve get to join.
  2. Let's war again May 15th :3

    We can all fight there, cause these threads need to die AND we can all enjoy another fun war. You all must admit that had the makings of a great war…It's a shame to waste all this rage. Just bottle it up til after the hunt and we can continue. Good idea?
  3. A good organized war!!
  4. Bottle it up.. Again? But.. But this anger wants out!! ;(
  5. Save it for war monster! Let it brew and fester and unleash it's wrath in the next war, it'll be worth it.
  6.  oh yes pls lets have a great war. Wish it didn't end tbh was turning out gd for both sides. Nice job tho everyone!
  7. What happened
  8. I just say we all just calm down.. Eat a few cookies, maybe with a glass of milk! Wait for the next war! And the tear each others guts out, feed them to the opponent, rip out their eyes and pee in their eye sockets, break their legs then throw them into a grinder feet first while they still alive :)
  9. That was funny!
  10. Thats kinda mean and scarry
  11. I like how it's all calm then flip out mode. Makes you worry about the quiet ones around you… hmmm
  12. o_O I call cookie being on my side xD
  13. And that came from the Sesame Street character...
  14. Farm, you shouldn't be talking about letting threads die. ? Remember when you kept bumping your thread about your farm war with Eliz or whatever her name is?
  15. I never kept bumping it after the war, nor did I make 80 threads about the same dang thing, I kept it neatly confined to one thread, thank you :)
  16. didn't u just make another thread about being farmed by another club 
  17. I made a thread to ask if something was mechanically possible…

    Is that not a question to ask forums? My bad.
  18. Shhhh.. Shhh... *Shoves a cookie into devil's mouth, Pets his hair gently* shhh... Save it for war..
  19. let's war for Lucy
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