^Lets Make A Story^

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Oct 19, 2011.

  1. And he was
    The one who did it
  2. Because he hated that train company..
  3. But the train goes off the tracks 1 day and he jumps off just before it blows up 36 and a half states including Alaska The next day he fall in some toxic waste and...
  4. the world is rid with English Zombies to came to be zombies when the toxic waste planted in Alaska was drunk by some human and became widespread
  5. And the antidote?

  6. But no one could get melons cause they are EXTREMELY rare...
  7. And they were everywhere 
  8. Everybody ate the melons but they were really poisonous so the entire population of the world died
  9. And became zombies
  10. so they fought plants

    =The End=
  11. He has a wife and two wonderful daughters who live him so much
  12. The end

    One day at these boys had a slumber party

    They had a
    Pillow fight but things went wrong

  13. Ha ha ha!!

    :lol: :lol:
  14. * cough* continue razor *cough *
  15. And then the little boy with the cruel pillow was killed to death with his own weapon
  16. ..the other two boys who were alive ran away to mcdonalds ..
  17. that was in soviet Russia
