oh no u right. mods dont need to have any sort of life outside of volunteering for a pixelated game. u right, every single mod knows what happened here and are able to comment on it. u right, three days in an enormously huge time to not have an answer about what happened in an online click-based hobby game. honestly, how entitled are u people? mods are volunteers- and while there may be a large number, it's not like they all work in an office together. talking to each other & figuring out what happened is like playing telephone- not to mention how to PR it out into an annoyed public. stop acting like the mods owe u anything. they spend their own free time volunteering to help us and try to give us a good experience. ganging up like a mob gives them no reasons to want to help us. this is a game. if you're so unhappy with the customer service, do what any normal person would do- stop using it and uninstall.
i agree that ganging up on the mods is useless. they don’t work for ata. if you’re going to attack anyone, blame the devs
MODS SUCK MONKEY BUTT! There are some corrupt ass, power hungry mods out there. And you're lying to yourself if you really believe they just do it out of the kindness of their hearts
Mods organized the War and I’m sure it wasn’t easy. But. No need to handle it and lie to us the way they have. All I’m saying