Legacy Recent Purchases

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -OXIMUS-, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. A lowered sperm count is fine w me
  2. [​IMG]
    Bleh i make purchases around here!
  3. Wow if it does, it's not working. Look at what I have to carry around be sides this light saber
  4. Did anyone notice those purchases where in our garbage last week. 
  5. O yea, sorry for spilling my drink on it pool. And there was that issue with the tacos 
  6. 
  7. Does A51 have to spam every legacy thread  get your own threads 
  8. We like legacy threads 
  9. Ok I like A51 threads 
  10. I'm getting legacy a nuclear enrichment plant 
  11. More importantly, with my Darth outfit, should I wear my boots or converse?
  12. And ballistic missiles oh and a aircraft carrier 
  13. Lol converse of course
  14. That's what I was thinking too, thanks foot
  15. Legacy uniform has our shoes as air jordans
  16. Granny, I thought u were gonna wear the firecracker bra like Lady Gaga? Like this <( )( )> i always thought u looked hot in dat one! 
  17. I like the army boots
  18. Bumpjust for the sake of it
  19. Wear converse  and eat tacos