Legacy Recent Purchases

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -OXIMUS-, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Mac your so impatiant. Jeeze.

    MAC_Strikers' Breach Brother
  2. Oh dear gods, I just noticed it was a legacy thread. Man I'm drunk.

    LMFAO I fail, thinking it was the deathstar thread or something. 
  3. Which of these outfits should I wear for my war tonight?
  4. *hands over drinks*
  5. Okayokayokay. Im gonna make a deathstar thread. 
  6. The one you're currently wearing looks hot. So I'd go with that one. 
  7. That one Lora *points to the most revealing one*
  8. Laura, want me to do deathstars club wall? I can do it well
  9. The first one makes my butt look big
  10. nice Lora... I nearly had a photon explosion in my deathray
  11. LOL MAC

    MAC_Strikers' Breach Brother
  12. I should prob get it looked at
  13. Hey, nothing wrong with your butt looking big. It's not like it's a bodonka don't. 
  14. Damn mechanics in space are few and far between  but if you need a space floozy they bloody everywhere... Chewy needed a new job
  15. Sorry Mac I have that effect on men  and women too
  16. so I have heard...
  17. I don't mind it was fun
  18. I aim to please