Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 31, 2014.

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  1. every second day ppl relax!!!
  2. JustinBieber have a ? ? :smile:
  3. ^ I thought Jax was the only person to give cookies.. ?

  4. So many threads on b2b cc/bikini parties to be top 200... you can probably make top 200 just being loyal to ur own club... i reached top 200 and im not even trying.. (()) smh
  5. You are so not top 200 
  6. ^ was just about to say :D
  7. Congratulations you passed up the 2 day old top 200 minimum
  8. So pimd,

    Am I expecting the next leaderboard update exactly 4 hours from now?
  9. Lol no  it's not even Monday yet where ATA is at nor is it Monday where I'm at :) expect it tomorrow around 12pm-ish I think
  10. They update on weekends guys :|
  11. Weekdays you mean?
  12. Well obviously not, it is Sunday where ATA is at and they said in a previous post that they'd update it tomorrow Monday. They have lives too so we can't say much on Weekend updates.
  13. So 27 hours and 35 minutes from now?

  14. It was Saturday on pimds post I'm in their time zone
  15. ??? :lol: 
  16. Yeah.. The update should be up in about 4 hours..
  17. :lol: that was an interesting glitch there unless it's only on my phone
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