Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 31, 2014.

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  1. I've 5.1k. Hope will be enough at the end
  2. And I just noticed I'm not in top 5000 on this week hunt. need to stay online today
  3. @Wind. PimD already put GMT, SGT, PDT timezone at Individual War (War-Drobe Walk-Off) thread. By some correct calculations, you will know the exact time for your timezone (GMT) on when the hunt ends.
  4. 6pm PDT=1am GMT
  5. Day by day, less and less is collected. Idea to make 3 week hunt was stupid and ata should learn from that. There is life outside game of jpgs.
  6. Geez people there's a thing called google where you can check what time is it at any timezone  you should try that sometime
  7. Guys there is 2 hours of the hunt left. If you live in America PacificnDaylight Time and Pacific Standard Time is the same thing
  8. Last hour update please?
  9. From calculation… hunt should end 20th my time n we got few hours to 20th midnight! cant wait.
  10. It ends in less than 40mins...
  11. Hunt ends in 38 minutes for everyone
  12. I got 27 limos from DIY and they didn't add to my total limos 
  13. Annnd... the Limos have stopped dropping!

    We'll post the final leaderboards once the system has finished updating everyone's Prom Tickets!
  14. Waiting………………… :(
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