Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 31, 2014.

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  1. Apologies on the Photobooth numbers. They have been corrected now.
  2. Thanks Pimd
  3. my estimates were a bit off
  4. One question though, are the new numbers as of 12pm or right now?
  5. I didn't get my heels Q.Q
  6. I see your heels in your showcase
  7. Thank u pimd !
  8. Where are the top 10 on week2 leaderboard?
  9. PimD doesn't list the name of Top 10 for PhotoBooth. ?
  10.  pls also place top 3000 count in the daily count or weekly count. 
  11. You should post the top 10 week 2 leaderboard..
  12. Shouldn't it have been updated already?
  13. Keep it up to date ata 
  14. Ata get up off your booties and update 
  15. Lol ata taking a day off
  16. Ok I just got an update in tickets 
  17. They'll probably update it now, after everyone's tickets have been updated.
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