Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 31, 2014.

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  1. Top 3k <3 hope ill maintain :3
  2. So they only give avatars to top 3000?
  3. in just a day. Some people got 1k. Wth!!! :mad:
  4. @DarkPrince: nope. For those got enough promposals they would have the regular avas. And the top 3k would have the premium ones :)
  5. damn I got no hope 
  6. @mrs vortex very true haha
  7. i have like 60 years left in my life or less ill enjoy every moment ?
  8. Preium wont be much differant like easter hunt just a change of colour and a ribbon on the head haha
  9. They're just jealous they can't see their names on the leaderboard ?!! CONGRATS TO ALL ️
  10. Damn pointed at the wrong person
  11. Premium got higher stats than regular
  12. Jezzzz 1600 someone needs a life out of this game
  13. Congrats to the top 10 
  14. And all the other people who have more than me 
  15. i go to school haha but i dont pay attention idrc about school
  16. Yup cause for you pimd is more important
  17. Skool is 4 chumps ho needz 2 no hao 2 spel?
  18. Does premium avatars have stat bonus different percentages?or is it same
  19. yep and the other games i play to only the boring classes though
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