Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, May 31, 2014.

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  1. Update please! -.- i need to know my position…
  2. your in last lu42cy :p
  3. Update pls :3
  4. I know I'm prob not high up at all but how do you know exactly where you rank?
  5. Alot of couch potatoes?
  6. Burner 6k even atm
  7. Bieber damn auto correct
  8. forums to funny
  9. Um actually I find it unfair because higher stats people go to better club which mean better party's but newbs go to fairly bad clubs and get therefore bad parties soooooooo yeah
  10. Ok, luv, tell me a reasonable way to solve it amd devs will do it. If you dont have one, shut up
  11. Updated
  12. After latest update.
  13. #SupportJustinBieberHunt haha donate $1b
  14. dear pimd please make hunt equal for everyone let easy parties like counter culture and road to beer etc drop Items coz big stats can finish these parties too fast whereas we take 3 hours to do it :(
  15. @ pimd pls fix my name  I am not using FI-Rica_HatesDramas_LoLoLoL
    anymore 
  16. when does prank prime drop 100posals ill stop lbh!!
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