LBH Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pimd, May 29, 2014.

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  1. ^ take a look and read MadPro. Got a smartass answer now. Pls read before making such stupid comments.
  2. Making the number of hits proportional to the number of drops addresses lazy perms that expect other people to do all the work too
  3. Yes it definitely does Casper
  4. You people are so closed minded???? we are NOT saying WE DON'T NEED THE LBH. WE ARE NOT SAYING TAKE OUT THE LBH. because some clubs need em. It is just some lbh hit only once or twice or three times during a party, sits around and wait for the party to end and still get the same amount of items compared to people who partied longer. Or who have more hits.

    All we want is a fair drop rate. The more hits= more amount of drops. That's it. Is that really hard to understand? Really?

    And really, the reason why clubs call for lbh is because they need extra help in their party so they kinda expect you to hit more than 1-3 times! And actually TRY TO HELP THEM FINISH NOT LEAVE WHEN YOU SEE there are still more bars to accomplish.
  5. I say, most if these people I see complaining are the ones who ask for the help... So if you ask for it? Then don't complain.
  6. 786 posts and 10 days have passed now. Is pimd still not able to resolve the Lbh issue ? 
  7. idk if they are even reading all of this anymore…
  9. I messed up 
  10. LBH implies they only join a party to hit on the _Last_ Bar.

    Sounds like many of the complaints could be solved by proper admin management. Things like ban lists, hit quotas, and club farms.

    It's really not fair to ask ata to do the job of your club admins.
  11. That make sense pas, Plus its the clubs that allow lbh in.If a club memeber does it,its up to the owner and admins to stop it.
    But as far as someone surfing wc for lbh,you cant fault them if clubs let them in.
  12. @pas. If not fair then why did pimd create this thread ? 
  13. Bcuz it isn't about ppl letting in lbh hitters or the fact that lbh is going on. It is simply ppl getting upset bcuz when hunts come out you see many ppl doing lbh and ppl letting them do it.

    This isn't just about ppl posting for help guys. You are seeing this all wrong for what ppl are trying to say.

    It is about ppl in top 10-200 doing lbh getting easy drops only making maybe 1-5 hits. Then getting same amount of drops as other players throughout pimd doing a party and really participating for the entire party.
  14. Lol. Could have just said top 200. Spare the correcting. :3 but I think drops proportionate to hits is a great idea. I even said make it similar to how they do the war when people don't participate. 1 hit. One drop. Better hit more:)
  15. Still, 1 hit = 22 Prom Photo Booth. Never solved, don't cry.
  16. It would be if pimd did it that way. Just saying. Lol. 1 hit 1 item.
  17. It is a problem. Everyone in top 200 of this hint is lbh. It's impossible to be in top 200 of you're not a lbh. That's just not fair to the rest of us. I think drops should be proportional to activity as well.
  18. Suggestion how about lets see what club gets the most scavenger items as a whole and give that club an award for their club wall.

    For LBH make it were they have to hit the first or second bar to get drops.
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