It should be easy. Use the same formula/algorithm to distribute hunt drops as you do to distribute party earnings. The only change would be that stats don't affect drops or don't affect them very much. Then people would get rewarded fairly. End of problem.
But if they do it according to payout then smaller players would alway get the short end of the stick since bigger players will plunder more with less amount of hits. They had a nice system with the pug hunt; why not use that as a base? Out of all the hunt drops that seems to be the fairest one so far IMO.
the money is fine as it is. And yes like i said before the hunt with the pugs did go off how many hits you made so then you got a higher amount of drops. But it still had a reg point of max pugs you got in a party.
I am an honest person. Very as a matter of fact. Some people r not able to be on for extended amounts of time. Being kicked constantly 4 inactivity is a driving force 2 become a merc. No matter what a person does it would b foolish not 2 consider all aspects b4 jumping in 2 the decision. This should not be an issue. LBH/Mercs I appreciate u & don't agree with any limitations to what this form of game play does.
Base drop amount on hit count, encouraging the use of doctor notes even by lbh. Why hasn't ata thought of this? More dn usage means more money for the company.
I like what the very first guy said, once it hits the last bar then u automatically lock it down so "LBH" have to come in sooner to help. Also make it a minimum amount of hits they need to get to if u come in the middle of the party.
Lol, I doubt you will change this pimd. You have awarded a golden trophy showcase item to this games biggest and most infamous LBH-er. So, lets get real, and be honest. Diddly squat will be changed.
Pimd have already pretty much said that they don't care. They've asked us to contribute to the discussion, ignored it for ages then disregarded all the comments people made about the unfairness I guess they don't listen as much as I thought :/
PIMD should just place the avatars/items in store for a limited time. Simple, really. Not everyone can be on to hit all the time, I get that. Most of us are either in uni or working. It's basically a + point for us and ATA. We get our avatars/stats items and they get more money. ?
Honestly, I'm surprised PIMD hasn't commented back on this...They made this thread to discuss this issue but they completely disappeared @casper...I guess they don't care...I don't think they realize that it's a little unfair...But i guess there's nothing we can do
Without lbh many small clubs won't be able to complete parties. If you don't like lbh maybe lock your club doors?
If you read all comments in the new updated hunt they said next hunt they're gonna change the way lbh works, but seriously in all fairness you guys are crying about lbh....? What happens to clubs who cant complete partys with out help... Youll turn into those clubs and cry bring lbh back... And if its such a big deal go lbh yourself lbhers work hard for what they get you should just lock your doors up if you don't want lbh in your club...