LBH Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pimd, May 29, 2014.

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  1. Complete* -_-
  2. LBH...Last Bar Help. If you dont want people to "steal your rewards", finish your parties. Dont post LBH in wc then complain when people come help and receive the same reward as you. If you are not posting for LBH and are simply complaining about people in your club not hitting enough to qualify, KICK THEM!!! Its that simple.
  4. if you dont like it dont call for lbh js
  5. The reason they can't just not call for lbh is because there's too many clubs that either support or just don't care so lbh just moves around those ones what they dont like is having lbh be the only way to get top 200 which as mentioned before if instead of top 200 have a fixed number that was super high then it wouldn't be as bad
  6. If pimd take a look at the total drops achieved by some players one day into the hunt by lbh they should see why people are pissed off when helping in a party start to finish gets you nowhere near. If the whole game upped and went lbh to help themselves, all the clubs would be screwed
  7. No seriously, just raise the drops and rewards for everyone 
  8. tweak that pic is epic
  9. PIMD,

    I dont think you should change anything.
    If ppl dont like it then Keep their doors Locked.

  10. This got intense
  11. I think its best to have a the no of drop by percentage. Lets say a party has 4 bars. Make it 25% 25% 25% and 25%. If drop is 20 promposals, and only 2 bars were hit then give 10 promposal. this is the fairest of all. 
  12. I'll just use DNs ! You ain't stopping me. By restricting LBH, the only clubs that will benefit from it are clubs big enough to finish parties? What about small clubs just starting out? All you are doing is encouraging the start of fast completion CC clubs. Will you complain about those too?
  13. Tbh, as much as lbh don't promote the idea of a hc, what better way than to complete a hunt as a lbh? These are the people who get in the top 200.

    Without lbh, small clubs won't be able to finish parties.
    I don't really think there's a way to deter lbh. Nobody wants to be a perm anymore.
  14. I hardly think ata will complain about people using notes since they get money. If you're using notes you're actually contributing rather than just leeching on a few hits!
  15. I think noname has the best idea each worth 25% each with four bars that way clubs can still get locking clubs automatically isn't fair if the owners don't want that
    By far it's the best idea so far
  16. Well if clubs are on last bar. And need help. It shouldn't matter
  17. This isn't a problem at all- and I think Royale said it best.

    Club owners and admin have the option to lock the door-- if you don't want mercs to join the party and win drops, close the door. Let those people who rely on mercs continue to do their thing: there's a place here on pimd for everyone. Mercs shouldn't some exception whom we are trying to eliminate just because we're jealous of the progress they make while mercing. There are both benefits and disadvantages to mercing, and so while mercs now do enjoy these benefits that some of you are complaining about, what people are forgetting is that these benefits come at a cost to them as well. In the end it all comes down to how an individual wants to play his/her own game right here on pimd. Therefore, in my humble opinion, there should be no change with this issue, as the issue is nonexistent. Let people play their game their way, simple as that.
  18. If u don't like lbh close ur DOORS  not hard. What if people need help on lb? Ha ur failed havnt u. If u don't like lbh deal with it or close ur doors seriously what's so hard about that.
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